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Please use the hyperlinked contents page in the full journal download to navigate your way around the treasures of Issue III!
- Foreword, Elizabeth Parker, Michelle Poland, and Harriet Stilley
- Introduction: Creeping Along the Endless Beach, Jimmy Packham, Emily Alder, and Joan Passey
- Public Humanities EcoGothic at the Coast in Ireland and Wales, Claire Connolly, Rita Singer, and James L. Smith
- The Ghosts of Coastlines Past: Eco-Poetry and the Oceanic Ecological Gothic, Octavia Cade
- ‘Howling and Whistling in off the Sea’: Water, Supernatural Environments, and the Movement of Human and Nonhuman Souls in Conor McPherson’s The Weir, CJ Scruton
- A Grave for Fish: The Haunted Shore in Wyl Menmuir’s The Many, Virginia Richter
- Beaches of Bones: Non-Human Hauntings and Legacies of Animal Cruelty in Michelle Paver’s Dark Matter, Lucy Arnold
- The Horrors of Ecofeminism: Exploring the Hidden Depths of Ecophobia in Evie Wyld’s The Bass Rock, Kristy Strange
- ‘Nature as a Secret’: Alfred Döblin’s Baltic Stones and Theodor Storm’s Gothic Coast, Amy Ainsworth
- Fretful Seascapes: Confronting Dark Ecologies in Elizabeth Bishop’s Poems of the Shore, Karen Eckersley
- EcoGothic Doubles:Ocean and Hell in Charles Maturin’s Melmoth the Wanderer, Madeline Potter
- The Trouble with EcoGothic Wilderness: The Extinction Stories of the Great Auk and Steller’s Sea Cow, Jennifer Schell
Book Reviews
- Elizabeth Parker, The Forest and the EcoGothic: The Deep Dark Woods in the Popular Imagination, (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), Jennifer Schell
- Jonathan Elmore (ed.), Fiction and the Sixth Mass Extinction: Narrative in an Era of Loss, (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2020), Shelby Brewster
- Simon Bacon, Eco-Vampires: The Undead and the Environment, (Jefferson: McFarland, 2020), Jack Hunter
- Eduardo Valls Oyarzun, Rebeca Gualberto Valverde, Noelia Malla García, María Colom Jiménez, Rebeca Cordero Sánchez (eds.), Avenging Nature: The Role of Nature in Modern and Contemporary Art and Literature, (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020), Victoria Greenwood
- Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Mexican Gothic, (London: Penguin, 2020), Joan Passey
- Sue Edney (ed.), EcoGothic Gardens in the Long Nineteenth Century: Phantoms, Fantasy and Uncanny Flowers, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020), Gheorghe Williams
- Sarah E. McFarland, Ecocollapse Fiction and Cultures of Human Extinction, (London: Bloomsbury, 2021), Sladja Blazan
- Christy Tidwell and Carter Soles (eds.), Fear and Nature: Ecohorror Studies in the Anthropocene, (Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2021), Chloé Germaine
- Beatriz Rivera-Barnes, The Nature of Hate and Hatred of Nature in Hispanic Literatures, (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021), Laura Kemmerer
- Darcie Little Badger, Elatsoe, (Montclair, Amsterdam, New York: Levine Querido, 2020), Tia Tidwell
- Jeff VanderMeer, Hummingbird Salamander, (New York: MCD, 2021), Courtney Skaggs
- Evie Wyld, The Bass Rock, (London: Jonathan Cape, 2020), Rebecca Gibson
- Daisy Johnson, et al, Hag: Forgotten Folktales Retold, (London: Virago Press, 2020), Ali Cargill
- Paula Johanson, Small Rain and Other Nightmares, (Toronto: Doublejoy Books, 2020), David J. Sciuto
- Rivers Solomon, Sorrowland, (New York: MCD Publishing, 2021), Cheyenne Alexis Corty
- Daisy Butcher and Janette Leaf (eds.), Crawling Horror: Creeping Tales of the Insect Weird, (London: The British Library, 2021), Deborah Schrijvers
- D. T. Neal, The Day of the Nightfish, (Chicago: Nosetouch Press, 2020), Antonio Alcalá González
TV And Film Reviews
- The Color Out of Space: A Roundtable Review, (USA: SpectreVision, 2019), Sara L. Crosby, Carter Soles, Philip Sorenson, Christy Tidwell, and Patrick Zaia
- Tentacles Everywhere: William Eubank’s Underwater, (United States: TSG Entertainment and Chernin Entertainment, 2020), Emily Alder and Sarah Artt
- Lorcan Finnegan, Vivarium, (Ireland, Denmark, Belgium: Vertigo Releasing, 2019), Karen J. Renner
- Colonialism’s Ghosts Haunt the Near Future: Kleber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles’ Bacurau, (Brazil: CinemaScópio Produções, et al., 2019), Antonio López
- Contradictory Impulses: John Pogue’s Deep Blue Sea 3, (USA: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, 2020), Carter Soles
Creative Corner
- The Empty Crab—It’s the Real Thing, Ngoi Hui Chien
- The Tide of Plastics Rising, Micaela Edelson
- FUGUE (a novel excerpt), B. Anne Adriaens
- Mignonette, Emma Dee
- Sea-stories, Sachini K. Seneviratne
- The Man Who Fell to Millom (video), Jane Topping
- Coracle, Anna Orridge
- Oh, Daddy!, Nadia Steven Rysing
- The Wanderer, Sandy Feinstein
- Oakwood Isle, Sandy Feinstein